The consequence of an immense disaster has revealed a gift for the posteri, a magical place that dips the visitor in a time where all it is remained immovable to the date of the 79 d.C of August from the eruption of the Vesuvio. In a moment all it is buried by the fury of washes, the ash and the lapilli.
The vulcanico material has allowed the conservation of all the city, excluded the hig
Pompei was born around YOU sec. to C. enduring the infuence of the dominant populations: Greeks, etruschi, sanniti.
The city was romanizzata afterwards with the takeover of Cologne from Silla.
The city has a elliptic form and has a ippodamea formulation, which marked from a thistle, that it divides the city in two, with two perpendicular decumen to the thistle, subdividing the city in the western zone, comprising the hole and the majority of the buildings publics; the opposite zone has the amphitheater and a great arena.
The central zone comprises buildings publics (barracks of the gladiators, theater, odeon, temple of Iside.
Out of it walls rose several residential buildings, like the villa of the mysteries. The innumerevoli rooms fascinate the visitors with their balconies, soppalchi, stores, shops and numerous suppellettili, partially left on the spot, in other cases capacities to National the Archaeological Museum for their value or their perishability.
Various rooms have conserved almost perfectly fresco it that they cover to them with mitologiche narrations, perspective architectonic and landscapes, testimonies of the roman painting of the age.